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What People Are Saying:


“A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z will become mandatory reading for all industry leaders looking to build their workforce in the coming years. Speaking for her generation, Hannah Grady Williams offers succinct insight and ideas for recruiting, retaining, and advancing the next generation of leaders.”

— Mark A. Bado, MCM, CCE, General Manager/COO, Houston Country Club, Past Chair, Club Management Association of America

“One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, “How do you work with Gen Z?” Rather than offer my perspective, I can now offer a better response: read Hannah’s book! Thanks for giving voice to your generation. I’m excited about the future you and your peers will create!”

— Mark Miller, VP High Performance Leadership, Chick-fil-A, International Best-Selling Author of Chess Not Checkers


You’ve read articles about the next generation at work. You know Gen Z is more diverse, entrepreneurially driven, and technologically savvy than any other generation.

But why should you care? And more importantly: What’s the first step your organization should take to embrace and lead Gen Z effectively?

This isn’t your traditional textbook report. It’s your no-BS guide to connect with Gen Z in the workplace, simplifying how leaders and recruiters can adapt their strategies to attract, retain, engage, and lead the next generation of employees, with actionable, step-by-step assessments and exercises.

Why does connecting with Gen Z matter?

Now that the future of work is here, companies must adapt or risk becoming extinct in the next 15 years. Generation Z is disrupting everything—amplifying some expectations and defying others—and most businesses aren’t prepared to employ and lead them well.

When companies hire Gen Zers, they are no longer hiring just an employee—they are hiring a brand. Gen Z brings digital consumer expectations to the workplace, demands innovation and efficiency, and shares some surprisingly “old-fashioned” habits with their Gen X and baby boomer colleagues. Yes, there are some stark differences from their millennial predecessors, and you’ll want to hear them straight from the voice of Gen Z.

In A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z, Hannah Grady Williams answers these questions:

Who is Gen Z . . . and why do you need to know?

What is the “NarcisStory” and why must leaders understand it to effectively recruit, retain, and communicate with Gen Z?

What do HR executives, recruiters, business owners, and forward-thinking managers need to do to remain relevant?

What are simple steps leaders and companies can take with Gen Z to unlock their potential?

Gen Z is rewriting how we do business, and these are decisive times. Companies who adapt now will have the competitive edge, and A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z is the key to unlocking the potential of this high-performing and rapidly emerging generation.

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